Pah! Sleepy and snoozy and my aircon seems to be broken which means it won't turn off (and no, it's not the batteries in the remote, I checked those, I'm not that technically incompetant). At least my room is nice and cool but I'll have to turn it off sometime. And what if I can't get it back on? Disaster! Then I may as well go to bed in a full wetsuit and that way hasten my death by drowning in my own sweat.
Well I was going to do my love life blog today (oh, it's all theory, nothing to tell, you're not missing a damn thing!) but see 'sleepy snoozy' above. Instead I shall mention that I went to a high school production of Grease today, sorry, 'Summer Dream' (for copyright reasons). Although the copyright problem didn't stop them using all the songs from Grease and character names too. Seriously, you've not experienced the true Grease phenomenon until you've seen a cast of Chinese teenagers joyfully singing 'The chicks will cream' and 'No customer would go to you unless she was a hooker'. I'm pretty sure those flew under the director's radar. The director incidentally was called Hans. Just Hans. One name like Prince or Madonna. He went to Griffth University. Jen and I had no idea where that uni is so we decided to rename it Gryffindor instead. Ah bless, the kids though. They did very well and much better than any attempt I could ever make at acting in Cantonsese. Were I case in a Cantonese play, my role would have to consist entirely of instructions to stand-up, sit-down, be quiet and turn your chairs around. Haysan is the word!
And now, after that brief interlude, sleep. Goodnight! xxx:o)!
Today I have been: Frantically doing the lesson plans I should have done AGES ago, posed for about a million photos as the token white chick at school prize-giving, drunk three vitasoy malted soymilk drinks (can't get enough), heard with sadness about El Pulpo Paul's retirement.
don't forget teen angel! :D