...four fricking days till I leave the flat. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!
Today has been a better day. I got loads of organisation done and now have things packed into blue case (coming home), dark blue case (going to Jakarta), white box (posting back to England) and red bag (erm... in another box?!). My orignal amibiton to send nothing home has been thwarted due to my vast clothing collection. I never knew I had this much?!!! I've already got rid of seven bags to the clothing bin and two bags to friends. But I still have outfits I need for work, burlesque, casual times... pretty dresses! So many pretty dresses and we all know it's impossible to throw those out, even if you only wear them once a year. I knew I should never have gone to Sharron's swap party. But she has so many great clothes! And now they are mine, mine MINE and will hopefully arrive on my doorstep in England within 3 months... it'll be an early Christmas!
Speaking of Sharron, I really must go to bed as I'm meeting her early tomorrow to go to a talk on 'What, Why and How writer's write'. An ideal topic for me right now, and even more ideally one of the panallists is Stephen Fry!!!! I think I may collapse in the presence of so much fabulousness! He's super smart! And tall! And I loved him in Jeeves and Wooster when I watched it with my Auntie Patty! And QI! AND HE'S GENERAL MELCHETT! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Damn, I must sort out all this shit I own though, posting home the HUGE box of clothes is (if I've worked out the post office rates correctly) going to cost me about £150. And I may have to send another home... and I'm really worried my cases are overweight. That's OK for going home (erm... another box?!!!) but for Jakarta I'm having to take 3 laptops, 3 camera's and my clothes for the trip. I'm not taking too much but even so, my case feels like an elephant's coffin.
And where is all this money coming from to pay for the overweight cases and the boxes home you ask? Simple. That magic wand known as the credit card. So I will be entering the country with no money and credit card debt but soon I will have fabulous clothes. Fabulous, fabulous clothes.
Today I have: Tidied and made a terrifying list of things still to do before I go to Jakarta, had random panic attacks with Becca about how much stuff we have left to do (she leaves on Monday), watched 'Date Movie' (it was on TV!) and 3 episodes of Sex & the City while frenzidly cramming my life into boxes.
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