Yup, still snoozy. Got home after my last day at school today and fell into the deepest sleep until it was time to wake up and stagger to sushi like a zombie. I didn't have to teach today but all the smiling I did as I posed with teachers, children and their parents exhausted my jaw (out of practice...) and I think that may have spread over the rest of my body. It's strange. I haven't cried at all when I said goodbye to my kids. AND I WILL NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN. I didn't cry as I left my room even though I WILL NEVER TEACH IN THERE AGAIN. I'm not sure whether this is a healthy acceptance of change (as befits my new grown-up attitude) or if I'm in severe denial and will snap at some point soon, wandering round the city in my PJs, sobbing everytime I see a small child. I can't wander round in my work uniform as I've already thrown it in the clothes recycling bin. Harsh or what?!!
Anyway, this evening my friend Leeann told me of a great saying an ex of her's coined. He once said to her 'you're not arm candy, you're dick candy'. Dick candy, I like that. So here below (beacuse I am too lazy to be properly creative this evening) is a list of my favourite phrases, as coined by various friends and aquaintences:
1) 'Jilling off': My friend Katie's term for female masturbation, in contrast to 'Jacking off'
2) 'Morning Dew': Again from Katie. In contrast to 'Morning Wood'
3) 'He'll come to a sticky end': Obviously not inveneted by my friend Rose but she put a different interpretation on it (think about it)
4) 'All mouth and no trousers': Another different interpretation to the traditional one, and sounds about perfect to me.
5) 'I'm having bacon today, bacon's good for you': BGSers will recgonise this classic Mr. Geale quote, said apropros of nothing in the canteen queue.
6) 'Drink your wine, there's sober kids in Africa': And there are. So drink up you inhumane bastard!
7)'You know where you are with a bastard' My motto for my love life. And yeah, that's served me really well!
Ah, I can only make it as far as lucky seven. MUST SLEEP! PLease add more/remind me!
Today I have: remained surprisingly dry-eyed as I said goodbye to my kids, eaten more pizza than is safely reccomended, SLEPT!
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