I have been very naughty with this blogging. Obviously, Jakarta and my flying visit to HK (where my laptop had a sad nervous breakdown) were my excuse for not writing everyday but now I’m back in England and have sod all else to do there’s plenty of time for typing up my inane stream of consciousness. You may get two today in order to make up for lost time or, equally likely, I may not post and instead lose the will to live sometime round Diagnosis Murder this afternoon.
I am being a little harsh on myself. I have only been back not quite a week and I am impatient to get my London life started once more. I was the same when I made it to Hong Kong; by day 5 I was annoyed at myself for not being a social queen with thriving hobbies and a packed diary. Instead I was eating supernoodles in my jammies and watching bizarre imported programmes on ATV, including Thomas the Tank Engine and a documentary narrated by Alan Titchmarsh.
Here of course I’m a bit luckier. I already have friends made in the classrooms, lecture halls and burlesque venues of London and had a lovely ‘Welcome Home’ dinner with some on Saturday. Caz cooked an all British menu (yummy soup, veggie bangers, mash, mushy peas and baked beans and treacle pudding and custard... I ate like a beast) which we washed down with copious glasses of Pimms. One fantastic thing about England is my capacity for boozing seems to be slowly returning. No migraines yet- hurrah!
Trouble is, though I am dying to get out and socialise the main problem is MONEY. I have very little, only the remnants of my HK bank account and it’s already diminishing. And, perhaps unwisely, I’m applying for an unpaid internship (thanks for putting me onto that one Debbie) which is AWESOME but, y’know, unpaid. They do give you your expenses, obviously but if I did get it- oh, and I want it!- I wouldn’t be doing much partying over the next 3 months. Ideally I’d pick up a little something on a weekend to keep me in pocket money but we’ll see. Hmmm, maybe it is time to start up that dominatrix business I’ve always wanted. But I fear I am not ready. I’m still too nice sometimes and too evil at others so my clients would either end up huddled under a blanket with a cup of tea or huddled under a blanket dead.
I’m also going to be applying for a whole lot of other stuff too- all with an eye as to what looks good when I apply for my M.Phil within the next year or so. I need to get back in gear, get to the gym, start Alexander technique classes (to stop my chest fucking with my posture), oooh and I need decent bras, I want to start lindyhop, I need to catch up with everyone, must save some money... Dammit, I hate life being on pause!
As I final note I should just say that when I was coming to the end of my time in HK, and then in Jakarta, I couldn’t wait to get home for some relaxation time. Ah, nothing to do. But now, AAAAAAGH NOTHING TO DO!
Today I am: Loving the smell of toast- toast not cooked in a sieve over a hob!, waiting for the CV Centre to send me back my CV- come on bastards you’ve had it for 11 hours, drinking green tea, looking forward to dinner with Claire on Thursday as it’s the one social event I can afford this week.
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